Youth Players
I, as a player, coach, parent, spectator or official, pledge to conduct myself in a manner that complies with the Tualatin Lacrosse Club Youth "Code of Conduct" at all times. Accordingly, I pledge to:
"Honor the Game"
Demonstrate respect to other players, coaches, parents, officials and spectators;
Uphold the essential elements of the US Lacrosse Youth Council "Code of Conduct" which are HONESTY and INTEGRITY;Demonstrate and encourage good sportsmanship and the concepts of fair play;
Focus on fun and participation;
Know and abide by the Rules of Lacrosse, the established guidelines, and all eligibility requirements;
Understand that the safety and welfare of all concerned is the top priority;
Support the drug, alcohol, and tobacco free environment that is important for all youth sporting events;
Further, I pledge NOT to:
Ever use profanity at a youth event;
Criticize coaches, players or game officials;
Touch an opposing player, coach, or game official in a threatening manner.
This contract and pledge must be acknowledged by any player, coach, official, and parent who wishes to participate in any Tualatin Lacrosse Club event.
I agree to abide by and uphold the above stated "Code of Conduct" and understand that violating this Code either by commission or omission will be subject to penalties as determined by the Youth Club Board.